Michael is available for coaching and Functional Running Training focusing on improving bio-mechanics, stride efficiency and Running economy. Also available for individual or group Functional Running Workshops.

Michael has years of Running Experience:

  • As a Runner himself, including representing Baltimore in the United States Youth Games (1500m) and Division 1 (NCAA) Track & Cross-Country with West Virginia University
  • Coaching experience, certificates with Athletics Ireland and completed an American Coaching Effectiveness Program
  • Functional Movement Certification
  • Qualified Physical Therapist

Combined Michael has a vast and varied experience accumulated over years and aims to bring this together in helping others achieve their goals.

Functional Movement Systems is a Functional Movement Screening and Corrective Exercise System used to access an individual’s movement patterns, geared towards identifying any ‘weak links’ in movement patterns and working towards improved efficiency through therapeutic/pre-hab exercises.

Weak links in basic Functional Movement lead to muscular compensations. These compensations lead to restricted, compromised and inefficient movement patterns which have been shown to increase injury risk with a decrease to performance. On the other hand once detected the ‘weak links’ can be addressed with corrective exercises.Developing an improved functional movement pattern brings a greater movement efficiency, lowering the potential risk of injury while leading to increased performance.

Any athlete, sportsperson or active person looking to improve performance while reducing the potential risk of injury can benefit from Functional Movement Systems.